Chapter 187: Who Fired the Gun? (Please Subscribe)_3

The Asura Sect was best known for their assassination skills!

If they were targeting Feng Zhaoqing for assassination, they were confident they could kill him within a single move, leaving him no chance to fight back!

However, these two did not take action.

Their target was Xu Yang!

According to the rules of the Asura Sect, they would never give up on a mission. If they failed once, they would try twice; if they failed twice, they would try thrice – it would only end when their target was dead!

Since the revival of the spiritual aura, there's only been one person that the Asura Sect has failed to assassinate...

That person is Wang Hou!

They would never allow a second person to survive their attempts!

If that were to happen, where would the Asura Sect's face be?