Chapter 196: Xu Yang accepts a disciple, takes the initiative to attack, and kills on Lu Shan! (Please subscribe)_2



The female caregiver spoke with a hoarse male voice, appearing crazed.

Xu Yang said indifferently, "You don't need to act so insane. I can guess what you're thinking. You probably want to cause a commotion, buy some time, and then escape... However, you might not know that your little tricks are nothing but child's play to me!"

"The reason I played along with you is that it takes time to expose you!"

Suddenly, a strange glint flashed in Xu Yang's eyes.

Dream Creation Skill activated!


A peculiar power spread out, and the female caregiver who was holding Wang Silu hostage rolled her eyes and collapsed to the ground.

Xu Yang's figure flickered, and he appeared far away. He glanced at the tall building, and dozens of people on the edge of the roof shuddered and woke up.

He leaped into the air, rising high. His toes pushed off the building's wall, effortlessly climbing to the top.

Heavenly Eye Skill activated.