Chapter 219: Heading to Asura Sect Headquarters!

On the other side of the phone, there was silence.

And then...


It got hung up.

Xu Yang looked at the disconnected call interface, puzzled, "What happened...Why did Minister Wang hang up the phone?"

However, Xu Yang didn't continue to call, understanding the situation.

He vaguely heard a woman's voice on the other end of the phone...In the middle of the night like this, he could guess what was going on without even thinking about it. After all, it was just an attack on the Asura Sect headquarters. There was no need to hurry for a moment.

"Wasn't Minister Wang single all the time?"

"Could it be...the legendary White Snake?"

Imagining the scene of Wang Hou entwined with the White Snake in his mind, Xu Yang became curious, thinking, "I wonder if that White Snake can transform...Whether Minister Wang likes her before or after transformation..."


At the same time.


Inside a villa.