Chapter 228: Daoist Flying Sword, Power of Geomantic Omen!_3

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Yang let out a cold snort!


"This Min River belongs to Da Xia and can be visited by all its citizens... When did it become the private property of the Lu Shan Sect?"

The middle-aged man looked disdainfully towards Xu Yang at the bow of the ship and said coldly, "Xu Yang... do you really think you're invincible? Leave now, or my ancestor will suppress you with just one hand when he comes out!"


Xu Yang laughed as if he had heard the biggest joke in the world, and said, "A mere mid-stage Entering Dao Realm dares to boast in front of me!"

He flipped his palm, and the "Bi Shui Sword" appeared in its center.

He gently flicked his finger on the blade, causing the sword, which looked like a pool of clear water, to tremble and emit rings of sword cry. Xu Yang whispered, "This sword is called the Bi Shui Sword, the personal sword of the Asura Sect leader... it's your fate to die under this sword."
