Chapter 236: Wordless Heavenly Book!_2

Xu Yang couldn't help but laugh and cry: "Even if you can cook chicken soup, it's already one in the morning now. Where can you find a chicken? Besides, she just had her soul taken away, not injured. When she wakes up later, she can drink some rice soup."

The night was late already.

Xu Yang didn't go home.

He told Ma Xiaotiao to move the table and chairs, and started practicing drawing talismans on the first floor.

At the same time.

In the room of a restaurant four streets away.

Suddenly, a miserable cry broke the silence of the night...

"Uncle Master!"

It was Guan Yun who woke up from his sleep.

Looking at his Uncle Master, who had become a corpse lying on the ground and was still holding his twisted neck, Guan Yun was completely stunned...

"What's wrong?"

"What's going on?"

"Uncle Master... don't scare me!"