Chapter 251: The Master of Fengdu City! (Seeking Subscription)


Xu Yang said with joy upon hearing this: "Has the reputation of our haunted house already spread out? In that case, we can attract more ghosts... That's a good thing!"


The girls all had a confused look on their faces.

Liu Shishi said: "Husband, according to the rules you set, any ghost or evil spirit that enters the haunted house will be rewarded with a certain prize... The more ghosts that come, the more money we will spend, so how can this be a good thing?"

More ghosts.

More virtue points.

How is that not a good thing?

However, Xu Yang wasn't going to explain this; even if he did, others probably wouldn't believe him, so he solemnly said: "The Yin-Yang Path is broken, so many souls that should have gone to the Underworld Palace to reincarnate are trapped in the human world, turning into wandering spirits with no one to rely on... Now that they have come to our Xi Xia territory, what's wrong with giving them some money to improve their lives?"