Chapter 281: Turning Stone into Gold, Martial Arts Dao Academy Starts!

"Wang Wei!"

"Your talent is excellent, so don't waste the gift that heaven has bestowed upon you!"

"Our Yuanxuan Daoist Temple is the richest Daoist sect in Da Xia, as long as you're willing to join our temple, we'll immediately provide you with a three-bedroom apartment in Yue Province... You can even bring your family to live with you."

"Also, we can provide you with one million living expenses every year for your family!"

"As long as you can join Yuanxuan Daoist Temple, I can then take you as my direct disciple, teaching you day and night. With your qualifications, it shouldn't take long for you to enter Daoism, and it's not impossible for you to step into the Divine Transcendence Realm in the future!"

Inside the four-people dormitory.

Several Daoist priests continuously threw out tempting conditions.

Wang Wei's three roommates were all shocked.

A three-bedroom apartment in Yue Province?

What concept is that?