Chapter 286: This Wang actually married a ghost? _2

The underworld soldier took out a register and said, "Since you are from another place, sign your name, cause of death, age, and ability."

Ghost Daoist asked puzzled, "Why do we need to sign this?"

With a glare, the underworld soldier snapped, "Just sign if I tell you to! If you don't want to, get the hell out! There are at least 8,000 to 10,000 ghosts visiting our Xi Xia Ghost Market tonight, we don't need you!"


Wang Kui was about to draw his gun, but was stopped by the Ghost Daoist, who said, "We'll sign."

He wrote "Xu" followed by "Qing."

This "Xu" was, of course, derived from his surname, while "Qing" was from Master Qingxu's name.

As for "origin," Xu Zhiyuan wrote Western Frontier.

Other ghosts, following suit, also wrote "Western Frontier."

Glancing at the ghosts, the underworld soldier was surprised and said, "You don't seem to look like ghosts from the Western Frontier..."