Chapter 291: Xu Yang's Background, Returning to Wanshou Palace!_2

Hearing about his own background, Xu Yang hurriedly asked, "Grandpa, you found me on the banks of the Yellow River back then? Who are my biological parents?"

Xu Zhiyuan shook his head.

"Back then, you were still a baby, lying in a bamboo basket by the bank of the Yellow River, surrounded by a cloud of Yin energy, with many Yin spirits and malevolent beings lurking nearby. It was because of this that I noticed and saved you after driving away those Yin spirits."

After a pause, Xu Zhiyuan continued, "I initially thought that those Yin spirits and malevolent beings wanted to harm you, but now that I think about it carefully, it might not be the case… you were just a baby in swaddling clothes back then. If those Yin spirits and malevolent beings really wanted to harm you, they would have done so long ago, but instead they seemed to be protecting you."


Xu Yang was confused.

Being protected by a group of Yin spirits and malevolent beings...