Chapter 328: From then on, there is no more Lu Shan Sect in the world!

Nine ghost generals, clad in armor.

Each one had an overwhelmingly powerful aura, not inferior to Yue Niang's.

They all knelt down on one knee, fists held together, addressing him as "Master".

Xu Yang was baffled by this.

He looked around, saw that no one else was present, and finally confirmed...

These nine ghost immortals were indeed bowing to him!

"Please, all of you generals, quickly get up!"

Xu Yang's thoughts flickered, maintaining a calm expression. After the ghost generals stood up, he asked with confusion, "How did you know I was coming out of here? Do you recognize me?"

One of the ghost generals stepped forward and said, "We actually don't know your face or appearance, Master…"

"However, the great being once said that if a living person walks out of this study on the night of Lunar August 1st, he's our master. We must serve him for ten years, and then we can regain our freedom and return to the Underworld Palace to work in the underworld."