Chapter 344: Mount Tai Summit, Martial Arts Conference!

Despite his inner complaint, Xu Yang kept a poker face and asked, "Are there any posts about my Wanshou Palace on the forum?"


Li Yuanchang said, "Martial world forums and major media outlets have related reports, but...they don't mention the congratulatory envoys of the Ten Halls of Yama in the Netherworld and the descent of Venus Taibai."


Xu Yang's eyes flashed, and he remained silent for a few seconds before saying, "Alright, I see. You can go practice now."

This doesn't make sense!

It's very unreasonable!

My succession ceremony to the Heavenly Master was already a major event in the martial world, not to mention the huge spectacle yesterday! Saying it was "earth-shaking" or "shocking" would not be an exaggeration!

How could such an event have no heat?

How could there be no discussion?

The envoys of the Ten Halls of Yama in the Netherworld, Lord Cui of Fengdu City, and Venus Taibai...