Chapter 358: Werewolf Reappears, Where is Doctor Wan?

Grandpa had already chosen the location for the City God Temple twelve days ago.

With the connection of Xu Yang, it was naturally greenlit, and it was approved in just an hour after the report was submitted.

The chosen location was in a park outside Xishan Town, with flowers, plants, and beautiful scenery.

The construction of the City God Temple was under the responsibility of the "Underworld."

After all, the City God was an official of the "Underworld", so it made sense for the Underworld to be responsible for building his "office". Thus, on the same night when the site was selected for the City God Temple, the Underworld dispatched ghost divinities to move mountains and create things, and built a high-standard City God Temple overnight.

Grandpa chose the site for the City God Temple here for two reasons: first, it was close to Wanshou Palace, which made it convenient to travel back and forth; if something happened at Wanshou Palace, he could arrive within 1 minute.