Chapter 369: Do you guys want the monster core or not?

Niu Mang spoke with a genuine Northwestern accent.

After saying that,


He didn't forget to spit a mouthful of saliva onto Ma Long's face.

Because he had just been eating grass, Niu Mang's saliva was full of green grass juice, and this spit, sprayed Ma Long's face all over.

Ma Long wiped his face with his hand and exclaimed in shock, "Holy shit... This cow has become a demon and can even talk?"

"Isn't that obvious?"

Niu Mang swished his cow tail and kept chewing while saying, "I am a Demon King, so of course, I've become a demon... Who are you? Why did you park this four-wheeled iron lump in front of my master's house?"

Four-wheeled iron lump?

Ma Long was stunned.

Then, he realized... this old yellow cow must be talking about his BMW.

"Your master? You're talking about Xu Yang?"

Ma Long rubbed his chest, stood up, and said, "Xu Yang and I are brothers."
