Chapter 372: 36 Overseas Fairy Islands (Seeking Subscription) _2

Xu Yang asked, "Sir, how old are you this year? If I'm not mistaken, the cultivation you practice should be from the Quanzhen Sect, right?"

The old man said, "I'm 64 years old this year, and I don't know what I'm practicing... I used to be a rag-picker. About seven or eight years ago, I found an old Daoist book with some techniques in it. I thought it was interesting, so I started practicing."

"Unexpectedly, after some time of practicing, my deafness was cured, my waist was no longer sore, my back no longer ached, and even my many years of periarthritis was healed. I can go up eighteen flights of stairs without panting or my heart racing, just like a young man, so I kept practicing."

Xu Yang: "..."

Why does this speech sound so familiar?

It seems that he often saw it on TV commercials when he was a child...