Chapter 394: Lord Cui alone is worth a thousand armies!

"Xu... Master Xu, where are we going?"

On the streets of Fengdu City, Xu Yang, who had changed his appearance, strode forward.

Behind him, Chris Smith jogged after him, cautiously asking.

Xu Yang said coldly, "To the Underworld!"


"Werewolf received a shock, merit points +100."

"The Underworld?"

Chris shuddered, a look of fear on his face, stuttering, "Could it be... the legendary Underworld Palace, specifically for the trial of Yin spirits? Xu... Master Xu, will I be judged after I go there?"

"Shut up!"

Niu Mang slapped him, angrily saying, "Wherever the master is going, you just follow, why waste your breath?"

When they arrived at the entrance of the Underworld.

Xu Yang was stopped by the guard underworld soldiers.

"No idle ghosts allowed near the Underworld!"

Xu Yang wiped his face and restored his original appearance, saying seriously, "I am Xu Yang, I want to see Lord Cui!"


"Master Xu?"