Chapter 420: Has Celestial Master Xu Become An Immortal?_2

[Divine Skills]: Rain Invocation, Flame Spewing, Mountain Shaking, Turning Stone into Gold, Communicating with the Netherworld, Interrupting Flow, Summoning Clouds, Great Strength, Water Sealing, Wind Borrowing... (Too many to list, hence the ellipsis.)

[Cultivation Level]: Daoist True Monarch (Dao), Land Immortal (Martial)

[Treasures]: Supreme Purification Seal (Immortal Artifact), Jiao-slaying Sword (Immortal Artifact), Giant Iron Hammer.

[Merit Points]: 24.6 million

[Storage Space]: 10,000 cubic yards

After checking the attribute pane, Fire Manipulation Skill, Water Manipulation Skill, Wulei Rules, Earth Escape Skill, Paper Cutting Skill, and Land Spirit Skill have all reached the "Divine Master" level. This means that Xu Yang has raised the Great Path of Fire, Water, Thunderbolt, Earth, and Puppetry to the "Great Path" level.

Daoists cultivate the Dao.

Only when a Dao is cultivated to the "Great Path" level can one be called a Daoist True Monarch!