Chapter 433: Don't Want to Ascend! _2


That night.

Various media outlets and some marketing accounts began to make a joint effort.

"Stand atop the insurmountable peak and overlook all the other lesser mountains. The divine temple of Dai Temple has stood tall on the summit of Mount Tai for thousands of years!"

"It's not the height of the mountain that matters, but the presence of the immortal. Mount Tai is the most mysterious mountain in Da Xia!"

"It's a place where emperors throughout history have come to consecrate their rule, a place that can communicate with the heavens..."

"Shocking! A woman who was infertile for 50 years gave birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix twins just three months after offering incense at Dai Temple!"

"Miracle on Mount Tai, the immortals show their divine power!"

"Mount Tai Dai Temple, even Celestial Master Xu approves!"

First, various articles started spreading online.

Someone even made an "AI animation" and uploaded it to the internet.