Chapter 436: Xu Yang's Great Battle with the Fairy of Flowers! _2

In the center of the garden was a pavilion.

Inside the pavilion, a middle-aged man sat there, drinking and pouring his own wine.

His appearance didn't seem particularly heroic or domineering, but the way he casually sat there gave people the feeling of an unshakable divine mountain, making them want to worship him.

The man raised his head, looked at Xu Yang, and laughed, "Xu Ai Qing, you finally came."

Xu Yang came forward, bowed and said, "Your servant Xu Yang pays his respects to Your Majesty."

As the Heavenly Master appointed by the Heavenly Emperor, calling himself a servant in front of the Heavenly Emperor was not a mistake.

The Heavenly Emperor stood up and stepped forward, "Since the day you ascended to immortality, I have wanted you to rise and have a chat with me. Who would have thought that the old fellow from Fengdu would be unwilling to let you come to the Heavenly Realm..."

Xu Yang bitterly smiled and said, "My father probably didn't want me to ascend..."
