Chapter 439: Orthodox Alliance's 24-Rank Law Talisman

Western Hell?

Last time Xu Yang caused trouble in the West, he even killed an incarnation of the "Primordial Demon of Sin Asazel Gordon".

As for Western Hell, he had some understanding of it as well.

The main composition of Western Hell included many demons and death gods. Perhaps because it was once an affiliate world of the "netherworld plane" and was contaminated by the "power of the netherworld", the creatures in Western Hell were more violent and had grotesque appearances.

Compared to the Netherworld.

Western Hell could be worth exploring.

But not now.

At least, not until his strength increased a bit more.

After pouring a glass of wine for Lord Cui, Xu Yang asked, "Older Brother Cui, you just mentioned that many human realms have been blood-sacrificed. What's the situation?"