Chapter 441: Did Brother Dragon Commit Suicide? _2

Xu Yang attempted to draw the "Exorcism Talisman".

He imitated the form and ended up drawing 58 "Exorcism Talismans," all of which failed. It wasn't until the 59th that one was successful, which surprised Xu Yang, and he couldn't help but exclaim, "It's no wonder this is an immortal-grade Daoist talisman; it's so hard to produce. I've never had to draw so many times for any other talisman since I started learning."

Upon inspection, he found that the successful "Exorcism Talisman" only had the power of the early stage of the Heavenly Immortal Realm, which made him shake his head again.

Next, Xu Yang focused on mastering the Exorcism Talisman.

Even some drawings of the "Exorcism Talisman" occasionally failed.

After more than three hours of continuous drawing, he finally became proficient at producing the "Exorcism Talisman." Although the talismans he drew still only had the power of the early stage of the Heavenly Immortal Realm, the success rate reached 100%.