Chapter 442: Holding One's Own Funeral, High-Quality Immortal Arts!_2

Xu Yang: "......"

He remained silent for a long time, then nodded, saying: "Indeed, we should get it done."

No choice.

As a native of Wu City, he was all too familiar with the local customs and traditions.

Especially for the Hui ethnic group in Yu Town, Tongxin County, where Ma Long's family came from, the starting rate for gift money is currently at 500 dollars and if the relationships among relatives and friends are slightly better, it's 2,000, 3,000 or even 5,000 dollars.

It is said that for close relatives, the starting rate for gift money has reached 5,000 dollars, with frequent gifts of 10,000 and 20,000 dollars.

Xu Yang suggested: "I have some business to take care of tomorrow. I have to go to the Western Hell and can't delay...So, shall we get it done as soon as possible?"

Ma Long said: "Alright, no problem...Old Xu, I'll leave the things for the funeral to you...Mom, Dad, you inform the relatives and friends, I'll go and reserve the restaurant."