Chapter 446: Yun Mengxi Becomes Immortal! _3


Achilles Spencer roared in anger, manifesting his true form of the Demonic Python Chiyuan, over three thousand meters long. His tail, like a streak of lightning, whipped out five times, smashing up the hand of the Magma Demon. He yelled, "How dare you lay a hand on me! Do you believe that with just one command, my Demonic Python Chiyuan army will wipe out all you magma creatures?"

The demon, covered in magma, seemed to be frightened and made a "wah wah wah wah" sound. Its large body quickly shrank and dove back into the stone forest.

Achilles Spencer simply continued to fly towards the Sunset Mountains.

Witnessing this scene, Xu Yang's eyes shimmered with fascination. He murmured to himself, "What a powerful magma creature..."

"That magma creature is indeed powerful."