Chapter 455: Return to the Holy City!_3

Yue Yuluo ran to her own bedroom, packed her cosmetics and some clothes, and quickly came out, saying, "Husband, there's no time to lose, my sister and the others will be back soon, let's hurry up and leave."

Xu Yang chuckled and teased, "Aren't you afraid they'll say you're hogging all the fun this time?"

"It's not that you don't take them with you, but they're not at home. How could you blame me for this?"

Yue Yuluo stuck out her tongue, looking naughtily.

Xu Yang grabbed Yue Yuluo, waved his hand, and summoned an immortal cloud, landing on the cloud and flying quickly toward the Qinling Mountains.


The Qinling Mountains stretch from Lintao County in Ganshire Province to Lushan County in Yu Province, with a length of about 1,600 kilometers and a width of about 300 kilometers, known as the "Dragon Vein of Da Xia."