Chapter 458: 1.2 Billion Merits! _2

How many ghosts are there within Fengdu City?

Perhaps only Lord Cui, who controls the "Book of Life and Death," knows the answer.

The earth-yellow halo formed by the Earth Emperor's Book covers the entire Fengdu City, and the invisible pressure it exerts terrifies countless ghosts... Even if each ghost contributes just one merit point to Xu Yang, the accumulated amount would be terrifying!


Xu Yang's thoughts flickered.

The floating Earth Emperor's Book fell and its opened pages closed.

The earth-yellow halo that enveloped the entire Fengdu City instantly dissipated.

Having already refined the "Earth Emperor's Book," Xu Yang naturally understands its abilities, such as the earth-yellow shield just now, called "Xuanhuang's Womb," which has protective and defensive effects.

Its defensive power is so strong that even a Da Luo might not be able to break through it.