Chapter 474: The Flesh Becomes Holy, Nine Revolutions of the Primordial Spirit!

Netherworld Calendar, 11800 years, August 18th.

Central Region.

The City of Flames is 18,000 miles to the east.

There is a nameless river here, and across the river, there is a forest.

In the river, a fish is swimming about happily.

The fish is a meter long and very plump, especially its eyes, which are bright and lively, making it look quite lifelike.

This fish was not born with a spirit, it was transformed by Xu Yang!

Yesterday, after trampling the City of Flames and killing Asazel Gordon, he did not go to the Demon City... Because he knew that Asazel's death would surely anger Satan!

On Nether Island, Meng Mingshan is in charge.

In this short period, Satan is unlikely to break through!

At this critical moment, Asazel had been killed, which makes Satan furious and determined to come back to the Demon City!