Chapter 477: Today, I Realize That I Am Me! (Grand Finale)

Xu Yang withdrew his gaze and looked at Satan, asking, "Satan, do you know your guilt?"

Satan prostrated on the ground respectfully and said, "I know my guilt."

Xu Yang said, "Since you know your guilt, you can make amends... I will give you a chance to reincarnate."

Satan suddenly raised his head, his eyes were blood-red.

At his level of cultivation, how could he be willing to commit suicide?

He thought he had lowered his posture enough and roared, "I... "


However, he had only just spoken one word when Xu Yang pointed at him and killed him.


"Congratulations, Host. You have successfully converted the demon and earned a reward: 100 million merit points."


Xu Yang was surprised in his heart...

Killing a major deity yielded such a high reward?

The Legion Masters, on the other hand, were so frightened that they knelt to the ground, trembling with fear, constantly providing merit points to Xu Yang.

A group of minions, Xu Yang was too lazy to kill them.