Chapter 23: 'Rapid Rise in Ability' (Seeking to Chase Reading)

[Life Simulation has been activated, because of the low version of the simulator, only text simulation is supported.]

[17 years old: You attended an auction organized by your family. An inconspicuous ancient bronze key caught your attention at the auction, your subconscious told you that you must bid for it. Even though you found it strange, you let William help you secure the object.]

As expected, when he saw the first line in black, Milton murmured in his heart.

He was eager to test whether the command he imposed on himself in reality would impact his simulated actions.

Now, Milton was certain that the information his real self relayed to his subconscious could bypass the simulator and affect the actual simulation.

He wasn't sure whether this could be considered a bug in the simulator.

You must understand that in the previous simulation, this ancient bronze key was secured by a black-robed man, suspected to be a member of the Black Robe Seekers' Club.