Chapter 38: "Round Table Conference" and "Storm Brewing" (Request For Chase Reading)

Deep in an unknown mountain range, a castle stands adjourned.

Inside the castle, in front of a grand round table.

At this time, a dozen or so individuals dressed in black robes sat down before the table.

"Cody is dead. He was the most talented among us and the one with the greatest potential to become a Level 3 Wizard Apprentice. Now, he's dead."

These words came from the mouth of an elderly man clad in a black robe at the head of the table. His voice was full of desolation and death.

No one spoke; a deafening silence enveloped the room.

Until a raspy voice broke the stillness.

"Death comes to all, wizards are no exception; they too cannot escape the threat of death. Let alone a mere Level 1 Wizard Apprentice."

His words were laced with sneering mockery, emphasizing 'Level 1 Wizard Apprentice'.

These words sparked unrest among the people at the table.

Several figures glanced at the speaker, then lowered their heads, showing indifference.