Chapter 52 "Seventh Ring Magic·Eye of the World" (Seeking Chase Reading)

In a large bathhouse located in the core area of the Golden Lion Family estate.

Hot steam rises, Milton Cheney leans against the edge of the bath, his body submerged in water, his eyes slightly closed, looking relaxed.

This bathhouse is somewhat like the hot springs where Cheney used to soak in his previous life, with the water being changed every day.

Thus, Cheney comes here every few days to unwind.

At the next moment, his relaxed expression turns to a serious one, his eyes fixed straight ahead.

"Here it comes!"

No sooner had the thought surfaced in his mind, than two mechanical sounds echoed in Cheney's mind.

[Wizard's Life Simulator upgrade completed, Wizard's Life Simulator 2.0 at your service.]

[The novice period has ended. Future simulations will require magic stones for energy recharge.]

"Magic stones for energy?"

The next moment, a set of memories flood into Cheney's mind, helping him quickly comprehend the upgraded simulator.