Chapter 54 "Four Seasons City" and "Yellow Fiery Horse" (Seeking Chase Reading)

"We have arrived, young master."

Milton Cheney, who was meditating with his eyes closed in the carriage, heard William's voice and then opened his eyes.

"So soon?"

Milton pulled the curtain apart and indeed saw a grand city gate before him.

There stood two fully armored guards in front of the city gate, their gaze fixed straight ahead.

However, compared to the walls and gates of the Far East City, those of the Four Seasons City were noticeably much smaller.

Being a city on the fringe of the Far East Territory, most of its inhabitants were from other territories. As opposed to the tranquility of Far East City, this place was rather chaotic.

But under the deterrence of the Golden Lion Family, the people here dared not cause trouble.

The carriage entered the city smoothly. Although the guards did not recognize William, they recognized the emblem of the Golden Lion Family.

None dared to impersonate a member of such a family in the Far East Territory.