Chapter 61: "The Wonderful Use of the Spiritual Eye" (Seeking Chase Reading)

A small storm was stirred up in his spiritual sea, with countless mysterious symbols representing magic appearing in the storm's eye.

Eventually, these symbols were naturally attracted and combined together, forming a stable magic structure.

This magic was Milton Cheney's biggest gain from this simulation.

[Zero Ring Magic·Eye of the Mind]

Milton subconsciously used his spiritual power to stimulate the structure of the Eye of the Mind magic within his spiritual sea.

The next moment, an eye appeared in front of him that others couldn't see but Milton could perceive.

This solitary eye was like Milton's own unique organ.

He could perfectly control this eye, similar to having a third eye.

With a thought, the eye no one else could see darted out of the apartment at the hostel.

Scenes from outside the room instantaneously appeared in Milton's mind, as if turned into a series of clear images.

Extremely clear, even clearer than what Milton could observe with his own two eyes.