Chapter 77 "Absent-Minded" and "I Want to Try" (Seeking to Continue Reading)

"What's the matter with you? You seem distracted."

Morton frowned at his disciple standing behind him and spoke with a tone of displeasure.

"I'm sorry, Mentor."

Milton Cheney quickly apologized.

Seeing this, Morton paused whatever he was doing.

Today was Milton's first time assisting him with some minor experiments, but he noticed Milton seemed somewhat distracted.

"Is it because of the Mystic Realm?"

Morton stopped his work and inquired, his gaze squarely on Milton.

"Ah, Mentor, how did you know?"

Milton looked startled – as if his secret had been revealed.

Of course, he was merely pretending. His true objective was simple.

As expected, the very next moment, Morton spoke again. "I learned from Theodore that you have been inquiring about the Mystic Realm lately. Do you wish to visit it this year?"