Chapter 90: "Simulator Upgrade" and "Exaggerated Changes" (Seeking Subscriptions)

A spiritual power of 9.9, this is the highest spiritual power attainable by a Level 1 Spiritual Wizard.

A physique of 14.2, what kind of concept is that? Note that after Milton Cheney's physical attributes manifested, they were only at 6.8.

An increase of nearly 10 points, and he had already been at the level of a Grand Knight's physique prior to this.

This physique was not increased from scratch but was built upon the foundation of a Grand Knight's physique.

Milton Cheney may not know the strength of an Epic Knight, but he knows that no matter how strong an Epic Knight is, they are nothing in front of him.

But the most critical is the last column: Bloodline Magic.

Three first-level bloodline spells!

Even those who have been Level 1 Wizards for decades probably do not have as many first-ring spells in their command as Milton Cheney has.

He can now consider himself as a fully developed individual.