Chapter 108: "White Raven Refining Technique" and "Level 2 Bloodline Wizard" (Please subscribe)

[True Body Simulation Ends!]

[Your realm, techniques, and memories have been retained!]

[Host's mental state detected as abnormal. Simulator autoprotection is initiated!]

The weariness in Milton Cheney's eyes faded away, and he found himself imbued with more power than before.

He had refined his bloodline to the limit of a Level 1 Bloodline Wizard, and was on the brink of becoming a Level 2 Bloodline Wizard.

This was his gain from this round of True Body Simulation!

The realm of a Level 2 Bloodline Wizard was within his reach.

Milton had gained substantially from this True Body Simulation.

He had not only expanded his knowledge and experience by joining the Ouroboros Ring during the simulation but also acquired the White Raven Bloodline Refining Technique, which was crucial.

From now on, he didn't need to forcefully refine his bloodline.