Chapter 123: 'Gospel Masters Order' and 'Bane's Mentor' (Please Subscribe)

Blood spilled across the sky, as if the heavens were bleeding.

A sharp, piercing noise filled the region.


At the same time, a tear opened up in the sky, a flash of white light broke forth.

Bright white light spread across the area.

The blood pouring down like a massive torrent gradually began to dissolve.

A middle-aged man, shirtless, stepped out of the void.

His body was enveloped in spiritual power, which surged with an unusual agitation.

The next moment, this agitated spiritual power burst forth and unleashed a massive sound.

[Fourth Ring Magic· Void Turbulence]!

The tear in the sky was completely ripped open, and the violent airflow was destroying everything here.

The figure of the dark-haired youth affected by the time reversal magic began to gradually disappear until it was completely gone.


"This plane is destined to be conquered by the Black Lizard Scholars Association."

Bane spoke softly.

Orlando frowned slightly in front of him.