Chapter 124: "Level 2 White Wizard" and "Simulator Update" (Request for Subscription)_2

After enjoying six quiet months, it was time for Milton Cheney to embark on a new mission.

But he was in no hurry. Now that he had become both a Level 2 White Wizard and a Level 2 Bloodline Wizard, first and second level missions posed no significant challenges for him anymore.

All he wished for was not to experience unexpected surprises like last time on the Mudom Plane.

One True Body Simulation had given Milton a clear vision of his future path.

After all, the True Body Simulation, unlike the Text Simulation, allowed him to experience a year's worth of events. But the Text Simulation condensed one year into a text, making it hard for Milton to know what had actually happened during that year.

The True Body Simulation, however, was a direct experience for Milton.

That experience felt as if he was parting the clouds to glimpse a ray of sunshine.

The next moment, just as Milton was immersed in his thoughts, a figure suddenly appeared beside him.
