Chapter 126 "Sorcerer's Handbook", "Lord of Star-Picking" and "Simulation Ends" (Please subscribe) _2

Having finished writing the last page, Milton Cheney gently placed his pen aside, before speaking.


A young man approached Milton Cheney, spoke with respect, a hint of fanaticism in his eyes.

"How is the integration of the first edition of the Sorcerer's Handbook coming along?"

Upon hearing Milton Cheney's words, Wayne Yorke gave a bitter smile, "Dean, it is still not working. Problems emerge every time we try to practice."

Milton Cheney did not immediately respond, as if deep in thought.

After a while, Milton Cheney spoke up:

"We lack people, and we lack knowledge. The cost of trial and error is too high."

"From now on, Golden Dynasty Academy will establish sub-branches in all states, which will be called Star-Picking University. Golden Dynasty Academy will be renamed to Star-Picking Academy."

Milton Cheney's voice was not low, and he did not deliberately hide it from others.

So, when these words fell, the originally somewhat noisy library fell silent for a moment.