Chapter 136: 'God', 'Intention', and 'Great Grandmaster' (Please Subscribe) _3

The intensity of this punch was terrifying and it did not appear to be generated by human strength.

Milton Cheney's will was incredibly firm, it was as if there was a shadowy humanoid figure in front of him, teaching him boxing.

In a daze, it seemed like Milton's consciousness had entered an unknown place.

"Is this, the Spiritual Sea?"

"No, not the Spiritual Sea, what is this?"

While Milton was left lost in thought, a huge ball of flame rose in front of him.

A gigantic fire, a fiery red flame.

There was no scorching heat, but it seemed like it wanted to engulf the entire world.

"This is, my god?!"

On the Martial Arts Path, both physique and spirit progress together.

However, due to the limitations of the world, it seemed like one's spirit was hidden on the Martial Arts Path.

But being hidden doesn't mean it vanished, at this moment, the flame that Milton saw was his 'spirit', his 'will'!

The flame, was his 'god'!