Chapter 140: "Soul Academy" and "Totem Pillars" (Please Subscribe)

Guardian Sea, Southern Sea, above the pure white sea region.

Bane handed over several insignias in his hand to Milton Cheney.

"These are all disposable magic devices, the specific effects of which you can understand by touching with your spiritual power, which triggers memory recall," Bane began to speak.

Milton nodded, without making a fuss, and took the few insignias.

He knew that even though he had become a Level 3 Wizard, his mentor was still somewhat worried about him.

"Do not neglect the construction of magic. I have prepared several magic spells for you, which you can review directly in the Book of Truth."

"You can accept the truth mission first. As long as you complete it within the mission deadline, there is no need to rush," Bane said with a slight smile.

Hearing these words, Milton nodded and said, "I understand, mentor."

What his mentor didn't know was that he had already constructed several Third Ring Magic spells.