Chapter 143: The "Soul Realm" and the "Clearwater Lake Hydrosphere Bead" (Seeking Subscriptions) _3

Suddenly, a spherical bead appeared in his hand, which he casually tossed into the lake in front of him.

The next moment, his spiritual power began to surge from the Spiritual Sea, pouring into the lake before him.

The calm surface of the lake started to ripple slightly, but it subsided after a moment.

The ensuing months will be spent by Milton Cheney right here.

His truth mission is not hard to accomplish, but it is a bit tedious.

Completing all steps will probably require a few years, a timespan Cheney does not consider to be terribly long.

"The Hydrosphere Bead."

Cheney murmured to himself.

A step in the truth mission requires him to cultivate a hydrosphere bead in the Clearwater Lake before him.

This is not a difficult task for Cheney, who is already a level 3 wizard.

As long as he systematically infuses the lake in front of him with spiritual power, a few months will suffice.

Cheney's spiritual power continuously flowed from the Spiritual Sea into the Clearwater Lake.