Chapter 145: "Mage Realm" and "Simulation Ends" (Seeking Subscription)

Inside the illusionary space, Milton Cheney's view was from above, and his vision was filled with countless clusters of light, each glowing a different color.

He could see the light cluster representing the Wizard Realm, which shimmered in a mesmerizing purple hue.

He had a feeling that he could reincarnate in the Wizard Realm if he chose to do so.

Of course, he would naturally not make such a decision.

Milton Cheney shifted his gaze to a crimson light cluster not far from the Wizard Realm.

This crimson light cluster represented the Bloody Sea Realm!

However, finally, Milton Cheney turned his gaze away.

Reincarnating into the Bloody Sea Realm wouldn't be of much help to him. All Blood Descendants in the Bloody Sea Realm were born from the Blood Pool.

Milton Cheney was beginning to feel that having the freedom to choose might not be such a good thing, as the worlds he could choose were just too many.