Chapter 146 "Plane Invasion" and "Sacrificial World?" (Seeking Subscription)_2

Bane spoke with a calm expression.

The next moment his spiritual power surged, and the two appeared in the void, in front of the plane channel.

Unlike before, this void was bustling, there were many people, Milton Cheney even saw a few familiar faces.

"Odom, Blue Ocean Plane."

Bane spoke.

This time Odom did not speak, there was a bit of gravity in his expressions.

The Book of Truth appeared, a phantom channel appeared in front of Bane and Milton Cheney.

Bane's spiritual power wrapped around his body and stepped into the channel, Milton Cheney naturally did not hesitate, following behind his mentor, he stepped into the channel.

The next moment, the scene in front of Milton Cheney changed.

The sights in the void had disappeared, the familiar scenery of the Blue Ocean Plane was reflected in Milton Cheney's eyes.

Milton Cheney and Bane appeared in the central region of the Blue Ocean Plane.

Bane's laboratory was here.