Chapter 149 "Alternative Cultivation Path" and "Simulation Ends

Time, like a cogwheel, spins ceaselessly.

In the blink of an eye, Milton Cheney has been free from the confusion of the womb for over ten years.

Ten years have passed.

Verdant Mountain, Emerald Cloud Sect.

In a mountain stream, Milton sits cross-legged beside a waterfall, green airflows encircling him.

Situated between Verdant Mountain and Misty Cloud Mountain, this stream is crossed by several brooks and rivers, and the waterfall rushes continuously.

A mysterious and tranquil aura blanketed Milton as the mountains around the stream were often engulfed in clouds and mist.


After a moment, Milton exhaled a breath of turbidity, and the green airflows around him returned to his body.

Immortal Technique cultivation is never accomplished in one step; it requires a gradual accumulation of progress.

"The pace of my cultivation is too slow, perhaps I should try cultivating with the help of pills?"

Milton muttered to himself.