Chapter 149 "Alternative Cultivation Path" and "Simulation Ends"_3

Reincarnate after he dies, reincarnate before he dies, or reincarnate into the future?

Milton Cheney was extremely curious. Even before this reincarnation simulation ended, he was already considering the next reincarnation simulation.


Time passed, and thirty years passed in a blink of an eye.

"Sect Leader, the North Region is now under our control, shall we take control of the Eastern Region next?"

A middle-aged man stood next to Milton Cheney, his face flushed with excitement, and his tone filled with anticipation.

"Don't rush, how's the research on the Immortal Techniques?"


Hearing Milton's words, the middle-aged man's excited expression froze, morphing into an awkward one.

"No progress at all."

"Sect Leader, the idea you proposed is too... unimaginable. Spiritual power nourishes the body; how can it possibly be used for combat?"

The middle-aged man whispered.

Hearing this, Milton didn't respond.