Chapter 151: "The Desire of the Outer Domain Devil" and "The Inter-realm War 60 Years In Advance" (Please Subscribe)_2


Within the Wizard Realm, in the Void beyond the realm.

"You two should go back to the Guardian Sea first. A Level 6 wizard has made his move in the Bloody Sea Realm."

Lan spoke, his grave expression now gone.

The struggle for the Void Realm Stone actually involved a Level 6 wizard from the Wizard Realm; this was somewhat unusual.

A Level 6 wizard appearing across realms in the Bloody Sea Realm would undoubtedly touch the bottom line of the Bloody Sea Realm.

If things go as expected, this inter-realm war that is sweeping across the two realms should be starting earlier than planned.

The Level 6 wizard from the Wizard Realm would not rashly act at this point, so the outcome is clear.

This so-called struggle for the Void Realm Stone is merely a scheme of the Gospel Masters Order.

Not a direct scheme.

But a combination of conspiracy and overt manoeuvring.

The Void Realm Stone is real; it indeed appeared within the Bloody Sea Realm.