Chapter 153 'Nearly 200 Years' and 'Target Qi Training Level 4' (please subscribe)

Skysea Sect, Emerald Bamboo Forest, deep within the bamboo grove.

Milton Cheney was sitting cross-legged on a cushion.

The bamboo grove was filled with an environment of tranquillity, absent of noise and chaos, and every breeze rustling through the bamboo leaves created a soothing sound.

The green bamboos swayed in the wind, with sunlight filtering through the leaves creating a mottled light and shadow.

The bamboos were emitting a faint fragrance, filling the air with a fresh plant aroma.

Milton Cheney, sitting on the cushion, opened his eyes as the airflow of Spiritual Power surrounding him gradually disappeared.

"Qi Cultivation First Stage, I'm just a thread away from it."

Milton muttered to himself.

If he could breach this barrier, he would truly become a cultivator of the Qi Cultivation First Stage.

The next moment, a jade bottle appeared in Milton's palm.

Milton uncorked the jade bottle, pouring the only pill inside into his palm, then swallowed it in one gulp.