Chapter 155 "Ten Million Years of Planning" and "Void Space 4th Battlefield" (Please Subscribe)_2

This time, with True Body Simulation, he had thoroughly seen the real scenario of these Realm-level Wizards Organizations in the Wizard Realm.

The Gospel Masters Order?

Sworn enemies?

All of it was a sham.

Mansour had staged a grand play spanning ten million years.

The so-called Gospel Masters Order was actually orchestrated by Mansour himself.

The so-called Outer Domain Devil might also be related to Mansour.

"Perhaps, the real Mansour is the Gospel Master of the Gospel Masters Order?"

Upon this thought, Milton Cheney's heart shuddered.

Planning for ten million years, all for the elusive Level 8 Wizard.

A Level 8 Wizard, even across all worlds, belonged to the elite few standing at the pinnacle.

Bear in mind that in the Wizard Realm, it had been ten million years since a Level 8 Wizard had appeared.

Milton Cheney suppressed all his emotions, as it was not the time for him to contemplate these things.

All of this was too far-fetched for him.