Chapter 158: "New Reincarnation Simulation" and "Azure Star?" (Subscribe please)

Within the Golden Lion Kingdom, inside the Royal City and the Lionheart Palace.

This is where the members of the royal family of the Golden Lion Family lived.

However, there were not many members of the royal family in the Golden Lion Family at this time.

Inside a courtyard in the Lionheart Palace, under a tower, Milton Cheney and Arthur were sitting in chairs.

The father and son duo were chatting softly to each other at the time.

A gentle breeze blew across their faces, inducing pleasant feelings.

"When will you leave this time?"

Arthur asked casually.

He didn't know that the Wizard Realm was facing the threat of an Inter-realm War.

Not just Arthur, but the majority of individuals in the Wizard Continent and the Subcontinents in the Wizard Realm didn't know about the Inter-realm War between the Wizard Realm and the Bloody Sea Realm.

The Inter-realm War had not yet reached the Wizard Realm.

Milton didn't inform his father about it.