Chapter 165, "Councilor Alon" & "That Kind of Medicine" (Seeking Subscriptions)

Azure Star, Federal Central United Laboratory.

Milton Cheney handed a transparent bottle to an elderly man in front of him.

Without a word, the old man took the bottle, opened it, and poured white pills into his hand.

Wearing transparent gloves, he picked up a pill and examined it.

"Little Cheney, this seems identical to the Hope Elixir you've been researching. Do you mind if I test it?"

His voice was heavy as he finally broke the silence.

"No problem at all, Professor Edgerton."

Milton nodded and responded.

The Hope II drug will certainly be far more effective than the ordinary Hope Elixir.

He wouldn't have presented Hope II so soon if he hadn't ensured it was foolproof.

Professor Edgerton was someone Milton trusted.

With Milton's consent, Professor Edgerton picked up the medicine and began examining it on the experiment table.

Shortly after, he stopped.