Chapter 167 "Incomplete Path" and "Thoroughly Falling Out" (Request for Subscription) _3

Forget about half an hour, even a minute is unlikely.

If such a person exists, he would have already joined the Federation Network Security Department.

"You also know this person."

Hearing the surprise in Alon's tone, Milton Cheney said with a laugh.

"Ryan Yancey?"

As if recalling something, Alon uttered this name.

Hearing this name, Milton nodded.

"Really, this kid has this ability and he actually hid it from me."

Alon said.

In fact, it's simple for him to guess it was Ryan.

After all, in the Federation, a top hacker is definitely a Transcender.

Brain Domain development is a necessity for a top hacker.

A moment later, Milton left Alon's office.


Time flew by and two months passed in the blink of an eye.

The Federation, which had been peaceful for countless years, was no longer calm today.

It was like a quiet lake being bombarded with a bomb.

It exploded!

The speed of trending news in the Federation Network is extremely fast.